Sunday, October 31, 2010

Work is Like a Jigsaw Puzzle

Each and every piece fits into the bigger picture. Sometimes it takes awhile until we see how a piece fits, but in the end it does. God is creating a bigger picture through each job in my life. What is my picture starting to look like? What is your picture starting to reveal?

Saturday, October 30, 2010

Circle of Friends

I have a circle of friends that can not be replaced. They are loving, kind, encouraging, supportive, praying friends. We met last week. The relationships are strong. It's a group who know each other well. Whenever we are together it is a place to be yourself, share struggles, and celebrate the victories. The origin of the circle of friends is the workplace. I've been involved in many circle of friends that have started in the workplace, but the friendships continue to get deeper, richer, and more rewarding.

Friday, October 22, 2010

Walking in Faith is the name of my first book. It is being published by WestBow Press. This is a collection of my faith at work stories.