Sunday, November 20, 2011

Feedback on the Book Continues to be Positive

Thank you to all who have let me know the book has been helpful. I enjoy hearing from you. Please send me all your comments. The feedback on the book continues to be positive.

Shari - I read your book. You did a find job. The Scriptures fit so well with each chapter. God's blessings as you go forward. Nita

Saturday, November 5, 2011

Changing Views at Work

I wanted to thank you for sharing your book with me. It has changed the way I react to those who might seem to be irritable or upset at work. It has also made me attempt to be more real with my coworkers, so they might do the same. Sandy Sherve

Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Stop Faking it

"If nobody shares they are struggling, nobody will know anybody else is struggling. That results in a bunch of people feeling isolated and scared and like big fat losers." Tara Hunt

I don't even know who Tara Hunt is, what her biblical views are, or anything about her. It doesn't matter. I agree with this statement and can agree with it without knowing (or caring) who she is. I see she is the CEO and co-founder of an online shopping community and she "implores" other entrepreneurs to be more honest about their problems.

I should send her a copy of Walking in Faith because this is exactly what I hope my book does for others of all walks of life and all walks of faith.

God bless Tara and God bless you.

(Now I'll go look her up online. Just like me to jump/promote and then look to see where I'm jumping or who I'm promoting.

Sunday, August 28, 2011


Thank you for all the wonderful feedback that continues to roll in. It's exciting to hear how Walking in Faith is having an impact on readers. God bless you all!

Thank you for taking the time to write and publish your beautiful book.

Your wonderful spirit and love for God and others comes through loud and clear on each page.

Alan Smith
CBMC Northland Region Staff

Sunday, August 7, 2011

Book Reviews and Sales

Hello. Book sales remain steady and the reviews coming in are very encouraging.

Walking in Faith is a wonderful collection of vignettes that I thoroughly enjoyed. Shari is inspirational as she shares her stories of victory in the workplace & how God has used Shari to change lives & encourage others. Shari also includes stories of the challenges she has faced - her honesty & transparency really minister to me as I face my own workplace challenges. Shari’s book encourages people to live out their faith in the workplace - it’s exciting to think about what an impact we can have as believers, living out our faith in the marketplace. Lisa Jorgenson

Wednesday, July 27, 2011

e-Book is available

Walking in Faith is now available from your favorite seller (Amazon, Barnes & Noble, Google ebooks) as an eBook now!

Monday, May 23, 2011


It's been fun to publish my first book. I have appreciated all the support from my family and friends. (Thank you all) It's been fun to see your excitement to read Walking in Faith. I've been hoping the excitement would still be there after you have read it, and it has. The feedback has been really, really good! Here is one comment from my friend Kristi. More reviews are listed on the Review tab. Bless you.

I just finished your book - AMAZING!!! I am so proud of you for writing it and sharing it with the world. I found so much hope and encouragement in those pages. You make it clear that God is with us in the workplace in ways we may never even know, but He is busy working all things for this who love Him. I know that my work too can make a difference for The Kingdom. Thank you for your example and your vulnerability!

Saturday, April 30, 2011

It's Here

Hello. It's here -- Walking in Faith: Stories of Hope and Encouragement for the Workplace is available for sale on my web-site!

I have one example of the soft cover and one copy of the hardcover -- I'll have more of each next week.

Thank you to those of you who have already purchased a copy.

Currently the most frequently asked question is when am I going to have a book signing. The answer is I don't know. If you've been following my blog you will know there was nothing predictable about the process. The publisher advises from the onset not planning a party until book is in hand. If you've been following my blog you will also know that I was sick last week when I got the first copy in the mall.

I was too sick to even call anyone. All I could do is sit with my first copy in hand and thank God for it.

I'm still trying to recover from pneumonia.

Although a friend let me bring my book to her spring boutique for it's debut today. My marketing plan so far has been to tell everyone I know.

Sometimes I still don't know what to think about such personal stories for the world to read. Please go easy on me!

I dedicate my first book to my precious, loving mother. Thank you for always believing in me.

Shari Jo

Saturday, April 23, 2011

On The Way

Hello. Good evening. And Happy Easter.

I will be spending Easter resting quietly, just as I did today. Yesterday a chest x-ray revealed that I have pneumonia!

The good news is that the very first copy of Walking in Faith: Stories of Hope and Encouragement for the Workplace has been printed and it is on the way!! Once I proof the book for printing errors (not editing errors, we are done with that stage -- I pray I didn't miss anything) it will be available on the web-site.

Another special thank to Ria Thurston for adding my cover image to my blog. God bless you, Ria.

God bless you all, friends.

Happy Easter.


Friday, April 15, 2011

Cover Design

The book is going to press on Monday! I approved the final cover design yesterday and it's up on the web site already.

It's been a wait and see process. Every time I've made a prediction about when the book is going to be available there's been another unexpected delay. It's all about God's timing -- trusting that the book will be ready in God's perfect timing.

I think back to how I originally thought the book would be out last Fall! I've been saying April, but pushing it back a little each week, all month. April may still be possible -- the end of the last week in April is a good guess. Thank you for your patience.

I can see why the publisher advising against planning a book release party before it's released.

Back to the front cover . . . it's been a process. What illustration might best depict faith in the workplace? It was a huge question with seemingly unlimited possibilities. I poured over the many options, showing them all to Bill and Chris. From water coolers, coffee cups, computers, office scenes to buildings -- both office and church, the tightrope scene seemed to best describe what it feels like to bring faith to work.

Thursday, March 31, 2011

Still Coming Soon

Update -- The book is still coming soon.

The first cover design just didn't work. It was back to the drawing board with a new idea. I think this one will work.

Trusting God's perfect timing for the release.

Thank you for your patience!

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Garden of Love

From Garden of Love...

Some people have been so hurt they put up a prickly exterior to keep others away. This gives the appearance of being an undesirable weed when nothting could be further from the truth--we are all really beautiful, wonderfully made children of God.


We can't change the weeds; only the Holy Spirit can tranform. We can be careful to stay out of His way and not cause harm. We can show compassion and grace, just as our Father has shown us. We are all flowers in God's Garden of Love.

Saturday, March 19, 2011

Lunchtime Prayers

This is a snip it from Lunchtime Prayers --

Do you have a friend whose prayers seem to impact your life in a powerful way? God has blessed me with special friends whose prayers have changed my life in countless situations.

The key ingredient is the love inserted into their prayers. I can pray like crazy for myself, as I had been doing in this situation. However, it was when I opened my heart, shared my concerns, and let my friend who loves me pray, that God really was able to move in a powerful way. Prayers from a heart of love change the world. Lunchtime prayers can change the course of your day.

Sunday, March 13, 2011


Time is ticking away. We are one day closer to spring and one day closer to the book being published. The book is in interior design, and I expect to see the first draft (including my first peek at the book cover) this week!

Thank you Chinyere for praying for my book this morning after Sunday school.

We are talking about faith in the workplace on Sunday mornings at Abundant Life Church. Everyone is welcome to come out and join us. After a four-week session on Sunday mornings we are going to start a small group on Wednesday evenings. Again, anyone is welcome to join us. Contact me if you are interested in either.

Thank you Pamela for purchasing the first copy of the book! No, it is not officially for sale yet. The book price hasn't even been set yet. But, you bought one anyway. I appreciate the vote of confidence. I also appreciate your comment on how the book will stimulate conversations that are not happening in the workplace, but that need to be. I just appreciate you!

Many have said you would like to purchase a book when it is available. Thank you. I appreciate each and everyone of you.

God bless, Shari

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Book Update

Walking in Faith: Stories of Hope and Encouragement for the Workplace is in design phase! I hope to see what the creative geniuses at West Bow Publishing have come up with for a cover next week.

Sunday, February 13, 2011

Not Just a Smile

I was talking to my friend on the phone this morning. (Happy birthday, again, Heather). She told me a story about how a smile made a difference to someone. Such a seemingly simple act of kindness can make a huge difference in some one's day. I've included a story in my book, Walking in Faith, about a time when a smile made a difference in my day. Here is a quick peek:

"It's like that in the workplace; we often have no idea what the next person is going through outside of work. I was feeling the double whammy more than she could have known. I didn't rest my head on her shoulders that morning on the steps, but I appreciate that I could have. However, I did catch up withe her later and let her know I was hurting and how much I appreciated her welcoming smile."

Smile at someone at work tomorrow, for no reason. Make a difference. You see, it's not just a smile -- it is a small act of kindness that has the potential to change another person's whole day (who in turn might choose to smile at the next person; therefore potential to change the world).
God bless,

Sunday, February 6, 2011

Stay or Go?

I hesitate to give advise, I don't want to give the impression that I have all the answers, because I don't. When I teach, I like to get a good discussion going. This is where we collectively can come up with great answers.

Based on my experience...

Lots of questions surround faith in the workplace. I'd say the number one question goes something like this: I'm being challenged and struggling at work. Does that mean I'm in the right place and God is using me to change my workplace or using my workplace to change me? I'm thinking the struggle means it's time for me to move on. What should I do?

Pray. Ask a friend to pray for you. Prayer is always the best defense. Pray for wisdom. And then:

Ask yourself two questions (your answers to these questions will guide you):

1. Am I positively impacting my work environment?

2. Have I begun to let my work environment negatively impact me?

If you are positively impacting your environment, please prayerfully consider you are exactly where God wants you to be!

If you've been worn down to the point your work environment is negatively impacting you -- if your behavior, thought, and actions have become negative, it may be time to let God move you on.

If it's time to let God move you to a new place, it's time for the One Open Door Prayer. I like to ask God to open only one door -- His door -- and to close all others.

Sunday, January 16, 2011

Relationships Matter

Hello. I'm editing, hopefully for the final time, my manuscript. It has been a journey. Sometimes I can't believe I'm really going to be able to publish my faith at work articles in a book!

I'm currently editing Relationships Matter. This story talks about being too busy. I'm intrigued by the whole "too-busy-syndrome" that seems to have us all in a death grip. Oh, yes, me too. No doubt. I don't think it's good to be so busy all the time and I'm trying to change my lifestyle. Really, for those of you that know me, I'm trying. I want to always have time for relationships. My family and friends are important to me.

My siblings and I recently lost our dear, sweet, precious mother to ALS. If I didn't learn anything else from the experience, hopefully I learned that life is precious, it's too short, and we should make every day count. My mom did. She's my role model. She's also my hero. You can read more about her by copying and pasting this address to my blog:

I want to share a quote from Henri Nouwen I used in Relationships Matter.

"Beneath all the great accomplishments of our time there is a deep current of despair. While efficiency and control are the great aspirations of our society, the loneliness, isolation, lack of friendship and intimacy, of emptiness and depression, a deep sense of uselessness fill the hearts of millions of people in our success-oriented world."

Do you see it too? Trying to fill the God-void with a too busy life is not going to work. The attempt to satisfy the need for God through constant activity is at epidemic proportions today.

What does success look like to you? It's a good place to start. Don't we have to know where we are heading before we start running the race? I'd love to hear from you.

Hopefully you will be interested enough to find our more on the topic to consider buying the book when it is available.

Nouwen is very profound -- don't worry; my book is simple observations that you will be able to relate to.

Sunday, January 9, 2011

Thank you!

A special thank you to Christopher Lee Harris for all the hard editing work. Thank you to Chris and Tabby for the final editing session this weekend. It's coming together. I'm looking forward to submitting the manuscript soon!

Sunday, January 2, 2011

Happy New Year

Happy New Year! I love new beginnings. I can't wait to see what God has for me in 2011. One thing I know is 2011 will be the year my first book will be published. The manuscript is almost ready to be submitted. I'm anticipating the book will be ready by the end of March. Thanks to all who have been supporting me on this exciting journey.

Stay tuned for more snip-its from the book.

May God richly bless you in the coming new year.