Saturday, April 30, 2011

It's Here

Hello. It's here -- Walking in Faith: Stories of Hope and Encouragement for the Workplace is available for sale on my web-site!

I have one example of the soft cover and one copy of the hardcover -- I'll have more of each next week.

Thank you to those of you who have already purchased a copy.

Currently the most frequently asked question is when am I going to have a book signing. The answer is I don't know. If you've been following my blog you will know there was nothing predictable about the process. The publisher advises from the onset not planning a party until book is in hand. If you've been following my blog you will also know that I was sick last week when I got the first copy in the mall.

I was too sick to even call anyone. All I could do is sit with my first copy in hand and thank God for it.

I'm still trying to recover from pneumonia.

Although a friend let me bring my book to her spring boutique for it's debut today. My marketing plan so far has been to tell everyone I know.

Sometimes I still don't know what to think about such personal stories for the world to read. Please go easy on me!

I dedicate my first book to my precious, loving mother. Thank you for always believing in me.

Shari Jo

Saturday, April 23, 2011

On The Way

Hello. Good evening. And Happy Easter.

I will be spending Easter resting quietly, just as I did today. Yesterday a chest x-ray revealed that I have pneumonia!

The good news is that the very first copy of Walking in Faith: Stories of Hope and Encouragement for the Workplace has been printed and it is on the way!! Once I proof the book for printing errors (not editing errors, we are done with that stage -- I pray I didn't miss anything) it will be available on the web-site.

Another special thank to Ria Thurston for adding my cover image to my blog. God bless you, Ria.

God bless you all, friends.

Happy Easter.


Friday, April 15, 2011

Cover Design

The book is going to press on Monday! I approved the final cover design yesterday and it's up on the web site already.

It's been a wait and see process. Every time I've made a prediction about when the book is going to be available there's been another unexpected delay. It's all about God's timing -- trusting that the book will be ready in God's perfect timing.

I think back to how I originally thought the book would be out last Fall! I've been saying April, but pushing it back a little each week, all month. April may still be possible -- the end of the last week in April is a good guess. Thank you for your patience.

I can see why the publisher advising against planning a book release party before it's released.

Back to the front cover . . . it's been a process. What illustration might best depict faith in the workplace? It was a huge question with seemingly unlimited possibilities. I poured over the many options, showing them all to Bill and Chris. From water coolers, coffee cups, computers, office scenes to buildings -- both office and church, the tightrope scene seemed to best describe what it feels like to bring faith to work.